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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Where does the PRIMARY loyalty of Pols lie? With the President/their Political Party/ or their constituents who elected them?

Where does the PRIMARY loyalty of Pols lie? With the President/their Political Party/ or their constituents who elected them?

Republican Pols who won't support Trumpcare are doing so because their constituents have told them to vote AGAINST it. They are not hearing from those who insist on their voting FOR it. What would you do? Be a toady/yes man and ignore the wishes of those who trusted you to represent them or follow your conscience and be the guy the voters thought they were electing and serve THEM? Why?

Posted - March 24, 2017


  • 32899
    For the House it is with their constituents for one reason.....their terms are only two years so if they vote wrong the people know and there is not along time until election. 
    Senate is different..... They have a longer term, six years, and technically they represent the STATE no the people. In fact, it is only recently that the people voted on the Senate before that they were appointments by the governor. But with the longer term people forget when they voted wrong. And they also have the filibuster rule to hide behind. 
    And in many cases they are loyal to the money and whomever it is coming from. 
      March 25, 2017 5:11 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I think the Pols had no choice m2c. Their constituents were reading them the riot act at the town halls the braver among them were holding.  Those who were chickensh** never held town halls or if they did snuck out and left because they couldn't  take the heat! 17% of we the people favored Trumpcare. The other 83% didn't want it voted in and so the Pols were stuck and did what the folks they were representing wanted them to do. And then you have the Tea Party folks. Trump/Ryan revised the Trumpcare bill at the last minute which eliminated all the Essential Healthcare Benefits like maternity care, pediatric care, prescription drug benefits, substance abuse treatments but that wasn't enough cuts for the Tea Party folks. They call themselves the Freedom something these days. So that block couldn't be flipped by Trump. Trumpcare dead before it even arrived. They pulled it because they didn't have enough votes. The people spoke and prevailed! I gather you are part of the 17%. I am not. Thank you for your reply! :)
      March 25, 2017 5:29 AM MDT

  • 32899
    I am for repeal and rep was for it so he is safe with me.
    The Freedom caucus don't want any subsidies....they call it OC lite. If that is what their voters wanted then they will be alright. If not then we will see.
    Maternity care is not essential.  I don't need it, my husband certainly does not need it. You at 70+ don't need it.
      March 25, 2017 10:03 AM MDT